Are you so busy making a living that you’ve forgotten to make a life? Are you in a demanding career? Are you experiencing increased stress or anxiety? Is your personal life, or are your relationships suffering?  Do your past experiences continue to affect you?

In sessions with me, I can help you identify where your thoughts, beliefs and habits may he holding you back. We can compassionately but directly look at the pain you have experienced in your life and set up an environment where you give yourself permission to begin to let go of what no longer serves you. With the increased clarity and direction you will get in our sessions, you will soon notice that those “sticking points” that you never could seem to shake just begin to fall away, making room for you to remember those wonderful aspects of yourself that have been left aside as you navigated your life.

I have been trained in a highly specialized therapy called brainspotting that has been shown to be very effective in treating trauma. My specialties includes building self esteem, self empowerment, overcoming trauma, anxiety, improving performance, and making decisions about relationships and divorce.

If you want to learn more about making changes, or simply coping with your high stress busy life, contact me at 407-694-1966.  Let me help you learn to cope, reduce your stress, and live the life you were meant for. 


As a licensed mental health counselor, my mission as Amy Enkling Counseling, LLC is to assist you in overcoming your struggles, and help you redirect your path.  I help you through individual counseling by helping you learn how to understand and heal your feelings of trauma, anxiety and stress, or relationship struggles and improving performance so you can have the best relationship with yourself, your career, and those in your life.

With over two decaces of experience working successfully with people dealing with struggles and behaviors that have been hard to break, and also as a person that is continuously working on my own areas of personal growth, I am passionate about helping you create the life and relationships you want.

I look forward to helping you find your direction to overcome.  If you are ready to reach out, I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation in case you feel this would be helpful for you, but aren't quite sure what to expect from therapy sessions with me. You will likely experience me as warm, genuine, and polite, yet practical, “real”, and solution-focused.

I'd be happy to answer your questions.  Having a therapist or counselor that's a good fit for you is important; as counseling is about making a commitment to work together to find ways to improve the quality of your life.  Just like any other relationship, it's much easier if you feel comfortable talking to the person.  If maybe your schedule is difficult, or you cannot make it in for an office visit, I also offer Telemental Health services—counseling over the computer or phone using a secure, confidential platform—within the state of Florida. Your first session is just a phone call or a click away. I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals. Wishing you your best mental health!