Depression can show in many ways and forms. But, what does it mean for you? If you recently went through a loss of any kind, or are grieving in any way, what you feel is depression-- yet it is attached to an event that really affected you. If your feelings have persisted, or there is not an exact event that you can associate with why you are feeling the way you do, the depression you’re feeling is most likely chronic.
Depression can feel mild, like it’s always been there for you throughout your life. It can also feel severe, where you have thoughts like you just cannot go on living. Any kind of depression may feel like a, “downward spiral”, where you simply cannot get out of the darkness of the storm that you most likely feel stuck in.
You may not want to get out of bed. You may not be motivated to do any activities you once enjoyed. No matter what people say to try to help you, their words may not help, or even may make you feel worse. Please realize that not everyone is a trained counselor in St. Petersburg, Florida that can help you work through all you’re personally feeling. People in your life may just not know what to say, or how to react. Some people may even avoid you because they’re also finding it difficult to cope with what you’re going through.
Depression can be treated. If you are depressed in any way, please do not take the label of depression on. Depression is something you are feeling. It is not all you are. Separating yourself from that label can be a good first step in being able to address what is going on for you.
Another thing to remember is that your mind and your body are related. Just as your brain chemistry is related to depression, exercise can help the chemicals in your brain balance out. It’s important to pay attention to when feelings are coming on, and what works for you to address them.
If you are having any feelings of sadness, please take that first step and reach out for help. Also, please keep the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s number available: 1-800-273-8255. If nothing is addressed, you may not be able to bring yourself out of that downward spiral. Know that there is help to find your way out.
1. Do not take on a label.
2. Do not take any kind of depression lightly.
3. Reach out for help and find ways to cope.