Anger – – it shows itself in many ways. It can originate in families. It can be a part of domestic violence. It can affect not only you, but those around you at work, or in your everyday life. But, what’s behind anger? I had a talk with someone this past week. I never knew this person had feelings of anger. They have always appeared overtly happy and grateful for where they were in their life, like we have talked about a good number of times. But, just like domestic violence, you do not always know what is going on in someone’s home. I found out that their anger is so bad for them that things are being thrown, and broken. Why? This person is hurting, going through empty nest syndrome.
I knew someone that got into many fights--daily. On the days they spoke with me, they were extremely tearful— because they knew they were not going to be able to see their mother before she passed away.
Just reading these quotes below cannot serve as a magic wand. It is a process to address, and work on healing, what is causing you feelings of anger, hurt, or resentment. It is my hope that some, or even one, of these inspirational quotes will help you begin to think about seeing things in a different light, and about how you can start your own process of healing.
“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. —Mark Twain”
“Anger is a bad counselor. —French Proverb”
“Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it. —Seneca”
“For ever minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. —Ralph Waldo Emerson.”
“The angry people are those people who are most afraid. — Dr. Robert Anthon”
“Sarcasm is the second cousin of anger. — Dr. Buddy Rydell”
“Anger always comes from frustrated expectations. —Elliott Larson”
By: Sydni Masoncup
To forgive
is not to forget.
To forgive
is really to remember
that nobody is perfect,
that each of us stumbles
when we want so much to stay
that each of us says things
we wish we had never said,
that we can all forget that love
is more important than being
To forgive
is really to remember
that we are so much more
than our mistakes,
that we are often more kind
and caring,
that accepting another’s flaws,
can help us accept our own.
To forgive
is to remember
that the odds are pretty good
we might soon need to be
forgiven ourselves,
that life sometimes gives us
than we can handle gracefully.
To forgive
is to remember
that we have room in our
hearts to
begin again … and again
If you find you need to talk through your feelings of anger, work on forgiveness and healing, or need an outlet, please do not hesitate to reach out. As always, please feel free to share this with someone you feel could benefit from reading it.