The Relationship With YOU

Rejection Trauma—6 Ways To Begin Your Healing

Rejection Trauma—6 Ways To Begin Your Healing

How we feel after being rejected, left out, or outwardly turned away by someone, no matter what type of relationship it was, surely is not a good feeling. We all have a need for

Counselor's Inspirational--Finding Yourself Again After Trauma

Counselor's Inspirational--Finding Yourself Again After Trauma

Oftentimes, while working through trauma, interrelated things within yourself that have fallen by the wayside become more apparent. You may start to

The Trauma That Remains – – 8 Ways We Can Let Go of Childhood Bullying

The Trauma That Remains – – 8 Ways We Can Let Go of Childhood Bullying

Trauma that we’ve experienced can sit with us for a long time. The feelings of fear, guilt, anxiety, depression, low self worth, paranoia, feeling

Social Anxiety—6 Ways To Help You Thrive

Social Anxiety—6 Ways To Help You Thrive

Most of us feel awkward in at least some social situations, especially when we’re going to be in the spotlight or meeting

Work-Related Trauma—How Does it Affect Your Life?

Work-Related Trauma—How Does it Affect Your Life?

Many stay in toxic jobs because they feel they're being paid well. They feel their

Counselor’s Motivational – – How to not get caught in the comparison trap

Counselor’s Motivational – – How to not get caught in the comparison trap

Comparing yourself to others can make you feel stressed, anxious, depressed, and many other bodily symptoms that can be connected with your mind or thoughts.

A Counselor’s Inspirational – Are you comfortable with you?

A Counselor’s Inspirational  – Are you comfortable with you?

What do you do for yourself? What in your life is your own? What energizes you? What is it about you that keeps you motivated to keep going when times are tough?

A Counselor’s Review— 10 ways to silence your inner critic

A Counselor’s Review— 10 ways to silence your inner critic

If you happen to be watching American Idol, this season’s contestants are phenomenally talented!  They each seem to have found their authenticity. It’s a pretty diverse group.  Not all of them realized, as pointed out by the judges, just how good they really are. 

Your inner child – – How it can tell you what you need

Your inner child – – How it can tell you what you need

If you’re not familiar with the concept of your inner child, it’s your original or true self.  It’s that self that is you before life happened.  It’s you before

A Counselor’s Review On Revenge—Done right

A Counselor’s Review On Revenge—Done right

We may have been, “stabbed in the back” or feel like we’ve been wronged.  Someone may have gotten the promotion at work that we were aching to get.  We could have been cheated on in a relationship, or just been, “done wrong”.